Atopic Eczema Sufferer
“After 8 weeks of using DreamSkin there has been a profoundly positive effect on Oliver’s skin. His eczema is far more controlled because he finds the pyjamas comfortable”

Atopic Eczema Sufferer
"The best thing is when they are on; they feel special and soothe me. They are cool and stop me being sore. I slept straight through the night too."

Atopic Eczema Sufferer
“This is the first time in nearly 40 years I don’t have an itchy red patch in the middle of my chest – it’s fantastic. I had given up trying to shift it years ago ”
Tesco Wearer Trial
In August 2014 Tesco® and DreamSkin® conducted a wearer trial of DreamSkin® treated clothes as part of the development towards and F&F® baby clothing range that utilises our advanced polymer technology. The trial was a resounding success with 80% of the trials seeing a marked improvement in the condition of their skin after just two weeks of use. You can view the full results of our trials by clicking on the PDF icon.